Preparing Your Midland Bull Test Consignment
Pre-Conditioning and Weaning
Backgrounding your Calves
In order to reduce excessive shrinkage and stress on your calves, please begin feeding your bull calves supplemental feed prior to delivery to Midland Bull Test. It is highly beneficial that your calves be weaned at least two weeks and be “bunk broke” prior to being shipped to MBT. However, calves should be fed so that they remain in green condition at the initiation of the test.
Pre-Conditioning your Calves
It is essential that calves consigned to MBT be vaccinated appropriately to mitigate the risks associated with shipping and yarding in an “assembled herd” environment. Evidence suggests that calves undergo less stress if vaccinated at least 3-4 weeks prior to weaning and then receive a round of booster vaccine. It is a good practice to take weaning weights and administer pre-conditioning vaccines in one session; and, then return the calves to pasture with their mothers. This practice also allows you to determine your weaning ratios prior to making the final selection of bulls.
To minimize stress on your calves, please do NOT vaccinate in the week prior to shipping to MBT!